Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy. This Privacy Policy informs you of your choices and our practices regarding any information you provide to us. The use of Zonzon Inc. App,

hereinafter referred to as “Zonzon” (through the Zonzon mobile app, or any third-party platforms through which Zonzon. is provided) may involve the collection and use of your information. It is important for you to understand how this happens and how you may control it, so please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using Zonzon, you agree that we may collect, use, store and share your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as revised from time to time. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you must not use Zonzon. If you wish to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy or any privacy-related matters, please contact: If you wish to make any complaints regarding this Privacy Policy or its implementation by us, please contact us via the above contact details; in addition, subject to applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, you may also have the right to lodge a complaint with your country’s data protection authority. In this Privacy Policy, “we”, “our” or “us” refers to: (a) Zonzon Inc; and (b) Zonzon. affiliated companies across the world (including any entities that Zonzon acquires in the future).


Scope and application of this Policy

 This Privacy Policy applies to Zonzon (through the Zonzon mobile app, or any third-party platforms through which Zonzon is provided), including any services related with Zonzon that incorporate this Privacy Policy by reference. Those Zonzon services may have further privacy-related terms that you must agree to if you use those services. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and forms part of the Zonzon Terms of Service that you have agreed to in order to use Zonzon.

Any terms used in this Privacy Policy will have the same meaning as the equivalent defined terms in the Zonzon Terms of Service, unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy or the context requires otherwise.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to Information collected: (a) through any services other than Zonzon (and services related to Zonzon that incorporates this Privacy Policy by reference); (b) through any third-party services (including any third-party websites) that you may access through Zonzon; or (c) by other companies and organizations who advertise their services on Zonzon. If you are using Zonzon on behalf of a company, partnership, association, government or other organization (your “Organization”), you agree to notify your Organization’s relevant individual owners, shareholders, directors, officers, managers, employees and other relevant individuals whose Personal Information we collect or you provide to us from time to time (“Connected Persons”) of the collection of their Personal Information, and you agree to obtain your Connected Persons’ consent to the processing of their Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Where throughout this Privacy Policy we refer to “you” or “your”, this applies to the Personal Information of you and all Connected Persons.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

 We may from time to time revise or add specific instructions, policies and terms to this Privacy Policy. These instructions, policies and terms form part of this Privacy Policy.

Whenever we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that are important for you to know about, we will notify you via Zonzon or other means before the change becomes effective.



The information we collect

 In providing Zonzon, we collect, store and use the following Information relating to you: “Information” is Personal Information and Non-Personal Information; “Personal Information” is any information or combination of information that relates to you or a Connected Person, and can be used to identify you or a Connected Person. We set out examples of Personal Information (and how we collect such Personal Information) in the “How we collect Information via Zonzon” section below. “Location Data” is information that we collect regarding your location (when you use a location-enabled service), including: the location of your device when you use Zonzon, such as from the GPS, WiFi, compass, accelerometer or other sensors in your mobile device; the IP address of the device or internet service you use to access Zonzon; and other information made available by you or others that gives an indication as to where you are or have been located, such as account information that indicates where you are located, and Shared Information that you or others post which indicates your location (for example, any geotag information that is embedded in any photos you make available on Zonzon or that are made available to us when you use Zonzon. “Log Data” is technical information that is automatically collected by us when you use Zonzon, whether through the use of cookies, log files, scripts and ETags (as explained in more detail in the “Tracking Technologies” section below) or otherwise, including: technical information, such as your mobile carrier-related information, configuration information made available by your web browser or other programs you use to access Zonzon, your IP address and your device’s version and identification number; information about what you have searched for and looked at while using Zonzon, such as search terms used, social media profiles visited and details of other information and content accessed or requested by you in using Zonzon; information about communications you have made using Zonzon, such as the people you’ve communicated with and the time, data and duration of your communications; and metadata, which means information related to items you have made available through Zonzon, such as the date, time or location that a shared photograph, video or comments were taken or posted. “Non-Personal Information” is any information that relates to you but from which it is not reasonably practicable to directly or indirectly identify you, including Personal Information in aggregated, anonymized or pseudonymized form. “Shared Information” is information about you or relating to you that is voluntarily shared on Zonzon. Shared Information may include postings that you make on Zonzon (including your public profile, the lists you create, and photos, videos and voice recordings as accessed with your prior consent through your device’s camera and/or microphone sensor). Shared Information also includes information about you (including Location Data and Log Data) that others who are using Zonzon. share about you.

How we collect information via Zonzon

 We collect Information from you when you use Zonzon – for example, when you: register to use Zonzon; log into Zonzon. with third-party platform accounts; use Zonzon; and communicate with us. The following sets out how we collect such Information from you as you use Zonzon. The remainder of this Privacy Policy sets out further information regarding some of these categories. Registration and Account Information. You must register for a Zonzon account in order to use the Zonzon. To register, you may need to provide certain Personal Information, such as your name, address, mobile phone number and password. We collect Information from and about you through your use of Zonzon. For example, we may collect Personal Information from you within Zonzon via the following: information you make available to us when you open a Zonzon. account, as set out above; any information included in your publicly visible Zonzon profile, which may include your profile ID, name and photo; information you make available to us via your use of Zonzon – for example, via: participating in surveys, polls, contests, giveaways and other promotional activities within Zonzon.; making purchases within Zonzon, including your credit card or bank details and information about the purchases that you make; information we collect in the course of you using Zonzon. – such as certain Location Data and Log Data; and information you provide through your communications with our customer support team. Purchases via Zonzon. When you make purchases through Zonzon, you may need to provide certain Personal Information to complete the purchase, such as your credit card information or bank account information. Where the payment is processed by a third-party payment service provider, we do not collect or store such Personal Information, though we may receive summary information about transactions. Where we or our affiliate companies process your payments as a payment service provider, or where we fulfill any purchases you have made on Zonzon, we may collect, use and store your Personal Information in order to fulfill such purchases. Working with our third-party partners. We may work with third parties to gather additional demographic information about our members on an aggregate and anonymized basis. Location Data, Log Data and your device. Zonzon automatically collects Log Data from your device to enable and assist Zonzon’s functionalities. In addition, you may also permit Zonzon to access other content and data on your device – for example, your contact list and photo storage. Cookies, Automatic Data Collection, and Related Technologies. We further explain such collection in the “Tracking Technologies” section below.



How we use your information

 Use of your Information within Zonzon

 We may use your Information for any of the following purposes: to provide Zonzon (and the features and services within Zonzon.) to you – for example, to allow you to chat, post, access documents, contact service providers within Zonzon., to fulfill any purchases you may make within Zonzon., and to display content based on your location; for communication, verification, security, fraud-detection, archival, backup, informational and operational purposes in connection with the provision of Zonzon – including account management, customer service, system maintenance, fulfillment of purchases, notifying contest winners, and other Zonzon-related purposes; to provide you with advertising and direct marketing that is more relevant to you (as further discussed under the “Direct Marketing” section below); to better understand how you access and use Zonzon., in order for us to improve Zonzon and respond to customer desires and preferences, including for us to provide language and location customization, personalized help and instructions, or other responses to your and other customers’ usage of Zonzon; to help us develop our new services and improve our existing services; to assess the effectiveness of and improve advertising and other marketing and promotional activities on or in connection with Zonzon when your account is subscribed to an official account; and to allow you to participate in voluntary surveys about our products and services. If you choose to participate in a survey, we may request certain Personal Information from you. We may use a third-party service provider to conduct these surveys; we will prohibit them from using your Personal Information for any purpose other than to complete the survey. In addition, we may need to retain, disclose and use your Information for the following purposes (collectively, the “Retained Information Purposes”): to comply with applicable laws and regulations; to comply with a court order, subpoena or other legal process, whether binding on us or any of our affiliates in any jurisdiction; in response to a request by a government authority, law enforcement agency or similar body made to us or any of our affiliate companies (whether situated in your jurisdiction or elsewhere); where we believe it is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations; to enforce the Zonzon’s Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy; and to protect any rights, property or safety of ours, our affiliate companies or other members of Zonzon. Personal Information within Your Content If any of your Personal Information comprises Your Content (as defined in the Zonzon. Terms of Service), we and our affiliate companies may (subject to this Privacy Policy) use such Personal Information in accordance with the “Your Content” section of the Zonzon Terms of Service.


Direct Marketing

 We may use your Information for the purpose of sending you direct marketing (whether by messaging within our services, by email, text or by other means) that offer or advertise our products and services and/or the products and services of selected third parties. Such products and services (of ours or third parties) include the following: our products and services and the products and services of our affiliate and subsidiary companies and joint venture partners; and third-party providers of services that we think may be relevant to you. We will honor your request for us to not use your Personal Information for the direct marketing purposes noted above. If you wish to make such a request, please contact the “Privacy Officer” at, at any time and free of charge. In addition, you may be able to opt-out of certain direct marketing by following the relevant instructions set out on our marketing communications. We will not share your Personal Information with advertisers unless we have your permission to do so. We do, however, share Non-Personal Information with advertisers for the purposes of trying to offer you advertising that is more relevant to you. When you opt out of direct marketing pursuant to the above, you may continue to see online advertising (that is not direct marketing) within Zonzon and/ or our advertisements on other websites or applications.


Sharing of your personal information with third parties

 Other than as permitted under this Privacy Policy or as otherwise consented to by you, we will not transfer your Personal Information to any other third parties for their processing for any purposes. Sharing for the provision of Zonzon, we may share your Personal Information within our group of companies and with joint venture partners and third-party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers who send emails or push notifications on our behalf, and mapping services providers who assist us and you with location data), in each case, for the following purposes: providing Zonzon to you; assisting us in carrying out the purposes set out under the “How We Use Your Information” section above; carrying out our obligations and enforcing our rights under the Zonzon Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy; and/or helping us understand and improve Zonzon sharing for marketing purposes We may allow third-party marketing partners (such as Zonzon Official Accounts partners, analytics providers and advertising partners) to collect your Personal Information over time and across different websites or online services when you use Zonzon. If you wish to opt-out of such collection of your Personal Information by our third-party marketing partners while you are using Zonzon, please contact us at We may also provide your Personal Information to third-party marketing partners where you have asked us or consented to us doing so or where it is required in order for us to provide Zonzon services to you. Other terms relating to the sharing of your Personal Information. Where we or our affiliate companies share your Personal Information with any third parties, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that such third parties only use your Personal Information: in compliance with this Privacy Policy; and subject to any other instructions and restrictions as required by us, including any appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we implement. As we continue to develop our business, we or our affiliate companies may be acquired by a third-party or re-organize our group structure. In these circumstances, your Information may be transferred within our group and/or to a third-party who will continue to operate Zonzon or similar services under either this Privacy Policy or a different privacy policy that will be provided to you. The party to which your Personal Information is transferred may be located, and use your Information, outside of your home country. We may also be required to retain, preserve or disclose your Personal Information under the circumstances set out in the “Period of use of your Personal Information” section below.

Brand and business partners with whom we decide to work will never have access to your personalized information except as described herein.

Zonzon may share certain personal information such as your email address and in some cases other information, with the following service providers, who help Zonzon provide the Services to you.

Property management teams and board members associated with your community may receive information about you from Zonzon in order to help manage RSVP lists for events, verify that you are a resident of their apartment community, and to help them understand how their residents participate with Zonzon.


A word about shared information

 Zonzon enables Shared Information to be shared publicly within your Community (Apartment, Condo, HOA) ONLY, your Zonzon contacts, all members of Zonzon within your community, via features provided by either us or third parties, so that Shared Information can be broadly and instantly transmitted. Shared Information will remain public within your community for as long as you do not delete it; and even after you delete Shared Information, it may still be separately cached, copied, or stored by, or remain public through, other members or third parties who are not affiliated with and not controlled by us. In addition, we may also provide other Zonzon-related features that

allow you to share Shared Information in public – for example, publicly accessible blogs and forums, or certain social media features within Zonzon – for example, “plug-ins” (which create a direct link between two websites) and “widgets” (which are interactive mini-programs that provide third-party services within Zonzon). You should be aware that any information you provide within such features may be read, collected and used by third parties who access them.


Communication from us

 Newsletters and other types of communication

 When you use Zonzon, we may use your Information to send you emails, messages, newsletters or push notifications to your device. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, you can do so by following the unsubscribe instructions in the emails we send to you, opting out of notifications at the device level (if available) or contacting our Privacy Officer Service-related announcements We may from time to time send you service-related announcements when we consider it necessary to do so (such as when we temporarily suspend Zonzon for maintenance). You may not opt-out of these service-related announcements, which are not promotional in nature.


A word about sensitive personal information

 In some jurisdictions, certain types of Personal Information, such as information about your race or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical views or personal health, is characterized as “sensitive” and is subject to stricter regulation than other types of

Personal Information. Before communicating any Personal Information of a sensitive nature within Zonzon, please consider whether it is appropriate to do so. You consent to all processing of sensitive Personal Information for the purposes and in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. Please note that we do not use your sensitive Personal Information for the purpose of serving advertising to you.


Third-party services and your information

 Zonzon may link you to social media or other features or services (including websites, plug-ins and widgets) provided by, or allow you to share certain Information with, a third-party. For example: you may share content on, or login to, Zonzon using services provided by third parties. These third-party services will authenticate your identity and provide you with the option to share certain Personal Information with us. They may also give you the option to post information from your third-party service account to Zonzon as Shared Information (or vice versa), and to share other information with such third parties. You may login to Zonzon using other sign-in services such as an Open ID provider. These sign-in services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain Personal Information with us for account registration and login purposes, such as your name and email address; and we may (whether in advertisements or otherwise within Zonzon) provide you with links or features that allow you to access third-party services or websites (or access within Zonzon content that is hosted on those third-party services or websites). For example, you may be able to access videos hosted by a third-party within Zonzon. These third-party social media or other services may be hosted by the relevant third-party or us. Please note that third parties who provide such services may be able to collect your Information and Personal Information (including your Log Data), and may set cookies on your computer or device to enable such features to function properly. Your use of any such third-party services (whether social media services or otherwise), including any Personal Information you provide to such third parties and their collection and use of your Personal Information, are subject to the relevant third-party’s own terms of services and privacy policies and not the Zonzon Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy, so please review those third-party terms carefully. This Privacy Policy only applies to any Information collected by us, and does not apply to any services offered by or information practices of any third parties. We are not responsible for any third-party use of any Information provided by you to them.


Age restrictions


Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to use Zonzon. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from any children under the age of 18. Please contact our Privacy Officer if you believe we have any Personal Information from any children under the age of 18 – we will promptly investigate (and remove) such Personal Information.


Transfer, storage and security of your personal information

 We operate and may continue to operate servers in a number of jurisdictions around the world, so the server on which your Personal Information is used and stored may not be in your jurisdiction. Any of the third parties referenced in the “Sharing of your Personal

Information” section above may also be located and/or use and/or store your Personal Information outside of your jurisdiction for the purposes set out in that section. In both instances, your Personal Information may be transferred to jurisdictions that do not have data protection laws which are substantially similar to or serve the same purpose as the laws of your jurisdiction. We will ensure that all data transfers comply with applicable

legal requirements (for example, by adopting suitable data protection policies and/or contractual measures). Should you wish to know more, please contact our Privacy

Officer. We use a variety of generally accepted security technologies and procedures for the purpose of preventing loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of Information – for example, we use encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect certain sensitive Information (such as Location Data) provided by you to us. Please be aware that despite our efforts, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security at all times. We do not warrant or guarantee the security of Zonzon or any information you provide to us. We may communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to Zonzon. If we learn of a Zonzon security breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically by posting a notice within Zonzon or by sending direct communication to you. If you have any questions regarding the security of your Personal Information, please contact our Privacy Officer.


Period of use of your personal information


We will only retain your Personal Information for so long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, as set out under the “How We Use Your

Information” section above.


Accessing, updating, amending or porting your personal information

 Subject to applicable laws and regulations, you may have the right to: obtain confirmation that we hold Personal Information about you; access, rectify or delete your Personal Information that we maintain; request and receive a copy of the Personal Information you have provided us and to transmit this information to another provider. object to or request the restriction of processing of your Personal Information; and have the information deactivated, blocked, anonymized or deleted, as appropriate. To the extent provided by applicable laws and regulations, you may withdraw any consent you previously provided to us, including consent for email and targeted marketing communication and data transfers. We will use reasonable efforts to apply your preferences going forward. If you would like to update or amend your Personal Information within Zonzon, you may do so in the first instance by logging into your account and making the appropriate changes. If you wish to: make further changes to your Personal Information; exercise any of your rights mentioned above in this section; or to request the removal of an unauthorized Zonzon account, please contact our Privacy Officer. We will use reasonable efforts to respond to all such requests made to our Privacy Officer without undue delay and in accordance with any time limits required by law. Please note that your right to access Personal Information in the above manner may be limited in some circumstances by local law requirements. In some cases, we may not be able to update, amend or remove your Personal Information, in which case we will let you know why we are unable to do so – for example, certain requests may be extremely impractical or require disproportionate technical effort (e.g. any requests that relate to our backup systems), or are prohibited by law. International Data Transfers We are a global business. We may transfer Personal Information to countries other than the country in which the data was originally collected. For example: we operate and may continue to operate servers in a number of jurisdictions around the world, so the server on which your Personal Information is used and stored may not be in your jurisdiction; and any of the third parties referenced in the “Sharing of your Personal Information” section above may also be located and/or use and/or store your Personal Information outside of your jurisdiction for the purposes set out in that section. In both instances, Your Personal Information may be transferred to jurisdictions that do not have data protection laws which are substantially similar to or serve the same purpose as the laws of your jurisdiction. When we transfer your Personal Information to other countries, we will protect that Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy. By agreeing to the Privacy Policy, you consent to the transfer of your Personal Information for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, but please note that if you do not consent to the transfer of if you withdraw your consent to transfer, you may not be able to benefit from all or some of our Services.


Tracking technologies

 We may, from time to time, use cookies, log files, scripts, tags and other tracking technologies to collect, use and store Information about you or relating to you. This section describes how we use such tracking technologies. Why do we use tracking technologies? To help us better understand and provide Zonzon to you and our members tracking technologies enable us to better understand and provide Zonzon. to you – for example, tracking technologies help us collect the following Information: We require your authentication information in order to provide Zonzon to you; our translation services may require Information about your language preferences; and we require certain other Information about our members in order to provide Zonzon. and to develop new features for Zonzon. To help us deliver relevant and safe advertising to you Advertising helps keep Zonzon and many of our other services free or at a discount and useful to you. Tracking technologies help make our advertising: more effective for advertisers – for example, by delivering them further information regarding who has viewed their advertisements; more safe for you – for example, by ensuring that you do not receive repeated or fraudulent advertisements or prohibited content within such advertisements; and more relevant to you – for example, by delivering advertisements based on which official Zonzon channels you may have followed or based on your location. What are tracking technologies? The “tracking technologies” that we use within Zonzon includes the following: A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is placed on your computer, mobile phone or other device when you access a website or other web content. Certain information is automatically gathered and stored in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. An entity tag (or ETag) are HTTP headers that are sent-behind-the-scenes between a web browser and a web server. They can be used to track unique members in place of cookies, and allow us to better understand and improve Zonzon. JavaScript is a scripting language used to produce more interactive and dynamic websites. JavaScript can create cookies, read cookies, and delete cookies. Anonymous identifiers are used to deliver advertisements in services where cookies may not be available (for example, in mobile applications). How do we use tracking technologies? Tracking technologies used in partnership with third parties We, our affiliate companies and our third-party partners may from time to time use tracking technologies to collect and use certain Information. These third-party partners who assist us in such collection and use include the following: Our analytics partners help us better understand Zonzon generally – for example, to collect website and app usage statistics and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole, as

well as to analyze any relevant trends. Our marketing partners (including analytics partners, advertisers and Zonzon official account partners) help us deliver better and more relevant advertising to you. Our customer support service partners help us deliver better responses to any queries from you and to deliver a better Zonzon. experience to our members. Our service partners help us administer and deliver certain features within Zonzon – for instance, hosting, language translation and mapping services. We may receive reports based on the use of tracking technologies by these partners on an individual as well as aggregated basis. We may use Google Analytics to collect and process certain Zonzon-related usage data. Google provides additional privacy options

regarding cookie use described at Our own tracking technologies in addition, we also use our own tracking technologies to personalize your experience on Zonzon. and for various other purposes. For example, we use such tracking technologies to: remember you within Zonzon. For example, cookies can help us identify you as a registered user of our services or keep the preferences or information that you have previously provided; and analyze how you use Zonzon. We can use tracking technologies to understand what members are doing on our services, or which pages or sections are most popular. Please note that we use our tracking technologies for these purposes, but may make certain aggregated

Non-Personal Information obtained through these tracking technologies available to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and others use our services and to serve advertising. General terms in relation to tracking technologies We may from time to time partner with third-party partners to display advertising on our website or to manage our advertising on other sites. Our third-party partners may use cookies or other tracking technologies in order to provide you with advertising based on your browsing activities and interests. Please note all such third-party tracking technologies are governed by the relevant third-party’s own privacy policy, and we are not responsible for such third-party tracking technologies (including information collected by the relevant third-party using such third-party tracking technologies). While we may have agreements in place with these third parties in relation to the proper handling and protection of your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee their privacy practices as they are third parties. If you wish to opt out of interest-based advertising, click here: . Please note you will continue to receive generic ads. If you do not wish to have Non-Personal Information used for the purpose of serving targeted advertisements on your device, you may opt-out by contacting Please note this does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive generic advertisements. We may combine Information collected via tracking technologies with other Information we collect about you. For example, where you install and register for Zonzon via a third-party online advertisement, we and/or our third partner may use tracking technologies to inform us regarding where you had discovered Zonzon. We may also use tracking technologies to collect Information that, when combined with other Information, enables us to deliver relevant advertisements directly to you. How you can control tracking technologies You may be able to block or manage certain types of tracking technologies via your browser settings (such as cookies) or your mobile device. However, please remember that if you block tracking technologies, we may not be able to provide you with the optimal Zonzon experience and some or all of Zonzon’s features may not function properly. Specific types of cookies We further describe how we use specific types of cookies below. Some or all of such cookies may be stored in your browser. Categories of cookies use Description Authentication. These cookies notify us when you access our services, so to enable us to provide suitable services and experience to you. These cookies will also remember certain Information about your personal preferences – for instance, your preferred language and region. Security We use such cookies to ensure the security of your Information and our services, and to prevent fraudulent, criminal or other suspect activities. In particular, security cookies help us to prevent fraudulent logins and your user data. Functionality We use such cookies to perform and improve the functions of our services. In particular, we use these cookies to help us collect information about how our members are interacting with Zonzon. – for example, your most recent searches and the profiles that you most frequently visit on Zonzon. Analysis and Research We use such cookies to follow up and improve our services and provide us with reference data for research and development of new services or functions. For example, these cookies help us better understand the demographics of the Zonzon user base, which in turn helps us consider what new Zonzon features may be the most relevant for our members. Advertising we use cookies to: deliver advertising on Zonzon, with the aim of delivering more relevant advertising to all of our members–for example, you may receive advertisements based on your general location derived from your IP address or from your previous Zonzon searches; and to help us and advertisers collect statistics regarding the delivered advertisements, such as how many members have viewed, clicked on and/or made purchases through such advertisements. Mobile Analytics We use mobile analytics software to allow us to better understand the functionality of Zonzon as used on your phone. As part of such a process, we may (via Zonzon) record information such as how often you use Zonzon, the events that occur within Zonzon, aggregated usage performance data, and where and when Zonzon was downloaded on your device. We do not link such mobile analytics information that we collect with any personally identifiable information you submit within Zonzon.



If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer at: